Pyramid intervals

Publicerad 2015-04-30 10:00:00 i Allmänt, Training,

One exercise I really like to do is running. I like the feeling or exitement you get when putting on your running shoes and getting ready to leave the house. You almost start jogging inside and then accelerate when outside. The feeling you have after a good run are the best, to 100%. For me all runs are good but of course someones´ are hard as hell and not funny, but they`re never a bad run. 
Some days you feel perfect to run a 10km, meanwhile another day you feel like doing short or long intervals or maybe hill sprint intervals. I like a mix of all, but the intevals that kills gives a kind of happy lovely feeling. Running makes me happy and that is why I am doing it.
Warm up:
5-10 min jogging
You start with 1km and then doing all steps doww to 200m. Between each distance you have 2 min rest.
This is my best friend and my traning partner in crime that for the moment are studying fitness in Australia (so jelaous) Good thing is that I get a lot of inspiration from her!
When finished the running, why not complete the workout with some strenght exercises? I always do some squat/lunges and abs when finished the run. Easy, good training and a little bit more hard work before the shower. 
- Walking lunges 50 rep
- Squat jumps 20 rep
- Plank 1 min
Repeat 3 times
Pic from last summer. Cant wait to go back to run again!
Photo: Jean Lozada


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