Circuit mix

Publicerad 2015-03-25 11:44:40 i Allmänt, Training,

Warm up:
Jump rope 100
Squat 20
Jumping jacks 100
Push ups 10
This training is a mix of the whole body and the excersises are mix with static positions. 
Round 1 (5 rounds)
- Shoulder press with dumbbells 10
- Static hold with your arm straight over your head 20-30sek
Contract the abs and butt during the whole exercise and keep your back straight. Start with your arms in 90 degrees like the pic and never go further down during the exercise.
Round 2 (5 rounds)
- Mountainclimbers 40
- Plank 30-60sek
Start position is the plank and then you taking your knees against your elbows. You can do diagonal or straight. Contract the core during the whole exercise. 
Plank. Keep your elbows straight under your shoulders, contract your butt and suck in your stomage. 
Round 3 (5 rounds)
- Jump squat 10
- Static 90 dergrees against a wall 60sek
Do a squat and on your way up push to a jump. 
Round 4 (5 rounds)
- Walking lunges 40
- Burpees 10
Keep your posture straight and make the steps with 90 degrees.
Important to not arch when going down to the pushups. If its to hard, do it without push up. 
The video is really bad quality but hope you understand the exercise :)


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